Models ====== TimeFramedModel --------------- An abstract base class for any model that expresses a time-range. Adds ``start`` and ``end`` nullable DateTimeFields, and provides a new ``timeframed`` manager on the subclass whose queryset pre-filters results to only include those which have a ``start`` which is not in the future, and an ``end`` which is not in the past. If either ``start`` or ``end`` is ``null``, the manager will include it. .. code-block:: python from model_utils.models import TimeFramedModel from datetime import datetime, timedelta class Post(TimeFramedModel): pass p = Post() p.start = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1) p.end = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=7) # this query will return the above Post instance: Post.timeframed.all() p.start = None p.end = None # this query will also return the above Post instance, because # the `start` and/or `end` are NULL. Post.timeframed.all() p.start = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=7) # this query will NOT return our Post instance, because # the start date is in the future. Post.timeframed.all() TimeStampedModel ---------------- This abstract base class just provides self-updating ``created`` and ``modified`` fields on any model that inherits from it. StatusModel ----------- Pulls together :ref:`StatusField`, :ref:`MonitorField` and :ref:`QueryManager` into an abstract base class for any model with a "status." Just provide a ``STATUS`` class-attribute (a :ref:`Choices` object or a list of two-tuples), and your model will have a ``status`` field with those choices, a ``status_changed`` field containing the date-time the ``status`` was last changed, and a manager for each status that returns objects with that status only: .. code-block:: python from model_utils.models import StatusModel from model_utils import Choices class Article(StatusModel): STATUS = Choices('draft', 'published') # ... a = Article() a.status = Article.STATUS.published # this save will update a.status_changed # this query will only return published articles: Article.published.all() SoftDeletableModel ------------------ This abstract base class just provides a field ``is_removed`` which is set to True instead of removing the instance. Entities returned in manager ``available_objects`` are limited to not-deleted instances. Note that relying on the default ``objects`` manager to filter out not-deleted instances is deprecated. ``objects`` will include deleted objects in a future release. Until then, the recommended course of action is to use the manager ``all_objects`` when you want to include all instances. UUIDModel ------------------ This abstract base class provides ``id`` field on any model that inherits from it which will be the primary key. If you dont want to set ``id`` as primary key or change the field name, you can override it with our `UUIDField`_ Also you can override the default uuid version. Versions 1,3,4 and 5 are now supported. .. code-block:: python from model_utils.models import UUIDModel class MyAppModel(UUIDModel): pass .. _`UUIDField`: